
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of summer party!!!

I decided to get over my depression of losing my delicious sexy corn by having an end of summer party this Labour Day! I will end the summer of '10 right by having all the best delicious corn that everyone can eat and stuff themselves with!

I evented this new party game to do after the feast of corn. We all crap in a bucket and instead of bobbing for apples we bob for delicious corn laden poopies! Mmm... Whoever is able to get the most poopies out of the bucket wins a nice long shit hole fisting by me! It is so hard no to want to eat the delicious corn laden poo once it is in my mouth. Mmm... It is so hard and addictive. It tastes like corn on the cob! But, I will manage

Mmm... more to cum on the best end of summer party evar! I will be posting some party games and tips in the days following.


Anonymous said...

It may be the end of Summer, but I know I won't stop pooping!

Unknown said...

Mmm.. I know I won't stop eating the delicious corn laden poo!