Sunday, December 25, 2011
My Fistmas Gift To You
Chat with Popanator 24/7 about anything you like! I especially love Poopies!!!
Oh, and if you need a last minute Fistmas gift, buy the Popanovel. Here you get all the hilarious Popanator quotes of 2010! Now, I must go back to my poopie pudding and wiping the corn off of Willie's face. Love ya, Poopie Freaks!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Happy Fistivus!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Doggie Doo FAIL TOY Funny Review Video by Mike Mozart of Jeepersmedia
Okay guys, this is what I want for FISTMAS! THis dog takes a poo, eats his poo, and then poos again! Here's a gift to give your shit buddy! The gift of laughter that keeps on giving!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Drunk Off My Ass
So I took a couple bottles of Dermott's good stuff, and stuck the bottle into my shit hole. That was okay, but when I got back into a sitting position all the alcohol just fell out of me like unsatisfying quick diarrhea. It hadn't even turned that yummy brown color yet (I used vodka). So I decided to improvise and soaked a few tampons in the booze. I tried vodka, whiskey and rum, and I tell ya, as a woman who regularly eats shit, vodka and rum just aren't that great. Rum is like that time I put a rusty chain up my poo hole -- that wasn't as much fun as it sounds. And vodka just burns, so whatever on that. But oh my God, whiskey is like pure, well aged liquid poopies in a bottle.
I lay there feeling the warmth of the whiskey pour inside my ass like the semen-covered fist of my sweet Ethan, and things felt a little better for awhile. I might do this again later on, because I felt this warm numbness creep into my whole body and I liked it a lot.
Maybe you didn't know about the time I put a rusty chain up mah poopy hole, and that's okay. There's probably a lot of the old Popanator's exploits you didn't know about before. That's why I took everything I ever did on all those forums where people meet me and put them all in a book, my little Popanovel. If you've ever been curious about EVERYTHING I've done online over the past year, picking up a copy of my book is the best way to find out. Some of those threads don't even exist anymore, except in my book.
If you've been laughing your whiskey-filled poo hole off at all the things I do, you'll love reading my book. So grab a copy today, and share it with someone you'd like to fist.
Buy the book here:
Friday, December 9, 2011
Me Giving Birth to Desmond!
This is a few years old, or however old that kid is. I dunno, its my daddies job and that autistic brother of mine's job to raise him. But, I was laying in the bathtub one night taking my weekly bath thinking I had to take an impressive shit. Notice the water is brown. Then baby pooped out. I was surprised my shit came to life. Now, the daddie of this kid is a mystery.
Just watch the video, also, if you are stumped on what give your baby daddie for fistmas give him The Popanovel, 138 PAGES OF TROLLING COMMENTS. Linky clicky!
Autistic Dating Tips
Do you have Assburgers and are frustrated? Well, here is a solution for you Assburgians! Get yourself a real doll! Its hilarious how Asspies will not date other Asspies. I guess, its so they don't fuck up their gene pool even more than it is. But, Asspies are the only ones that can deal with the lack of social skills of other Asspies.
Seriously now, if you are afraid of having retarded Autistic children, then get your nuts clipped and find an Assburger woman to bang.
If your social skills are so fucked up, you can't get an Autistic woman to bang you, then get yourself a doll. She won't say no and will fuck you every time. If you have an additional mental problem like schizophrenia then you can even have a relationship with her. Just watch the vid to see what I mean.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
My Most Impressive Shit
The delicious poopie log was poking out of the toilet water spirling around. After the hardest pushing in my life, I was sweaty and slipped off the toilet and passed out. When I woke up, there it was, the longest most spirling poopie. I would have immediatley gobbled it up, if it wasn't for my colon aching after the massive cleaning.
I'm not one to waste food, so I carefully, took the poopie out and cut it up into 12 inch sections. I then freezed them up to make foot long sub sandwhiches. I have enough food to feed myself for a week! I also went to the Dr today to change my psych meds. I can't handle once a week shitting or frozen food. I like fresh shit daily.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Poopie Makeup
Hey, poopy freaks! I just found out something really neat about shit and its wonderful incarnations. Your pal the Popanator has been experimenting with my new all natural line of beauty products, produced right here in the US of A. In fact, they're produced right here in mah poopy hole, where I squeeze out the raw ingredients on a regular basis. That's right -- I'm using poopies as makeup! Not only is it environmentally friendly and cost effective. It's even really sexy!
See, the other day I was eating poopies, as I normally do on days that end in a Y (Willie says that so much, I'm starting to pick up that little Willie-ism). I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, and I thought, "ooh, you're lookin' downright Poppalicious." Naturally, having poopies all around my mouth leaves a yummy crust that's great for later enjoyment, or to get myself turned on while I lick my lips at a cute boy across a crowded room. But I'd never really thought of how hot having shit on my skin actually looks.
I mean, there was that one time I was on my period and decided to let Willie fuck my pussy instead of my ass. When he came, the flowback was a pretty pink that looked a little like a raspberry colada. When I rubbed that on my skin, I felt like the sexiest little slut on the block. But I'd never even considered the thought of what poopies could do, both for the health of my complexion and for my overall sex appeal.
So I've been experimenting with different shades of poopies. Yeah, I have some control over the shade. If I load up on corn, I get a bit of yellowish tint, which would really go for a darker girl IMO. Since I'm really fair, anything will do except green -- but that shit would be HAWT on a redhead. Imagine a sexy redhead, covered head to toe in green poopies... just like a sexy mermaid. I'd lick it off her like a good girl!
I'm serious, guys. I'm gonna keep experimenting with this until I've got my own line of cosmetics. Think I should call 'em Popon, or maybe Poopon? Or something different maybe? Help me out here.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Upper Decker

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Beavis and Butt-Head San Diego Comic-Con 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I Still Miss Ethan

Funny Menstruation Animation
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Popanator teaches #$@ Ed
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Beavis and Butthead Rulez!!!

Beavis and Butthead are two soulmates that live together and do everything together. They were my origianl rose models. When I was young watching the show while eating some poop corn, I'd always tell myself that I would live as awesomly and amazingly as they do.

Unfortunatey I haven't been able to find my soulmate yet. Someone who will be the ultimate corn to my shit. Someone I can do cool stuff with. I would love someone who can enjoy poopies just as I do. Poopies are fucking awesome! I would love to have a poopie hole to fist. A deep meaningful relationship like Beavis and Butthead do with each other.

Some day my tard will cum!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Hey, guys. It's Willie the Aspie here, and I've got some crazy news about Poppy. Apparently she's gotten bitten by something or other, and I'm not talking about genital crabs or anything like that. I don't think she's caught my Ass Burgers, as she'd say. Well, maybe she has. She sure likes to get in there a lot. I don't rightly know what's gotten into that crazy girl, but she's been even more shit obsessed than she usually is. The whole thing started a couple of days ago. Since I help her with posting her tard stories, it hasn't really been obvious that she's been out sick. She thinks I have some kinda special connection to retarded people for some reason. But whatever. She came home on Friday with a bite mark on her hand. I've never known Poppy to be much of a fighter, 'cause she's not violent if it doesn't involve defending her corn or fisting a shit hole. I helped her bandage her wound and put some honey on it for disinfection purposes. Normally I wouldn't have gone all out like that, but with her shit fetish there's a lot of infections she can get. The funny thing is, the bite was starting to get all rotty and nasty, even though she insisted it was pretty fresh. I asked her whose ass didn't agree with her, and Poppy told me it was a mouth, as sure as we were breathing. The next day the poor girl came downstairs looking like hell and not feeling much better. I asked her if she wanted anything to eat, expecting her usual retort of screaming "Poopies!" Oddly enough, she was so sick she actually ate regular people food, like cereal and stuff. Of course, by that point keeping down anything was a miracle for her. I suggested she call in, and she went back to bed. I was visiting because I had to take care of dad. He's come down with something, too. I got over to the house on Sunday, and all I can say is "holyshitohmygodpleasesaveme." That ain't too eloquent, but I was never a poet. I've got Poppy's laptop right now, and I'm sitting out on the roof outside her window. She's beatin' on the glass like she wants to break it, and she and dad are all moaning like a pair of pornstars. They just keep moaning "Poopiiiiiiiieeeeeees," and I ain't going back in that house until she takes her fist elsewhere. She's never been that insistent, and she's succeeded in scaring the shit out of me. But no matter how much I throw in the window, she just wants more. I'm empty, people. There are a lot of people gathering around the house putting up the same chant. I hope I can survive this night of the poopy dead. |
Monday, October 24, 2011
Public Service Announcement
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Period History!!!
But, years ago, periods weren't celebrated like this. Unfortunately, people were embarrassed to talk about something some beautiful and tasty. If you don't know what I"m talking about , try licking a woman's snatch during her magical time of month. Also, lick her poo hole afterwards. The taste is DEVINE.
Back in the 20's people were stupid. Here is a silent purchase coupon. You hand it to the cashier and have them discreetly hand you a box of pads. No fucking way, when it comes to my period I say it loud and say it proud! Sometimes I tell the cashier it is period week! I also sometimes try to explain to her the joys of taking those use pads and using them later in art projects. She always ignores me, that bitch. One time, I came up to the cash register with rubber gloves, goggles, and a can of crisco. I started talking about my weekend plans, but she just ignored me.

I love the old period booklets they have to teach you the magic going on inside our bodies to create that delicious blood. I love to suck used tampons, but before I could suck tampons, I had to learn how to use them. Back in the early days they didn't know how to use them either.

Yes, it says you can wear them 48 hrs!!! Sure the smell would be mother fucking licious and that blood will be black with delciious clots to suck. I know this. I've gotten high and kept inserting tampons in myself without taking them out. I got 3 in there, before I realized what I did. I eventually put my entire fist in my vag because the blood lubed it up and that first tampon was as black as my hair. Smelled good though.

I have inserted A LOT of things in my vagina. I would not insert that. It looks like my retarded ex's penis.
The only good thing about history is that panties used to be open in the crotch and poopie hole area.

This allowed for easy fisting and fucking without removing all items of clothing. I would love to have fun fisting and hot sweaty sex session in public. The only down side is, where are you going to put a fucking pad?

Oh, yeah, people were stupid. Just put a pad in a panties problem solved. As I close this magical period week, I am grateful to be living in the enlightened age. I will peel off my last pad and slowly lick it. Mmmm... I love being a woman and shit.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Poopie Holes Can Get Cancer Too

Other things get cancerous too. How about the poopie hole?! We need awareness for this. Get people aware of their poopie hole which are more important than titties. I can't imagine living without my poopie hole! That would be the worst thing ever. Fuck titties! Show support to saving the poopie hole. That is where I give birth to my poopies!
Poor guy's poopie hole has been spent. This is house serious this disease is! We can have poopie hole cancer walks. Even have poopie hole cancer stamps that say lick rectal cancer! The colour for this movement will be brown of course, of course. The sluts for a good cause instead of wearing cute little shirts at say feel my nubs for cancer, would instead be saying, "Feel your poopie hole for cancer. Then you can picture them feeling their poopie hole. Hell, they might let you help for a good cause. Instead of raising awareness for titties and show how comfortable they are with them, while the men masturbate, they can go into depth about how they are comfortable with their poopie holes.

Seriously now, we do need awareness for this horrible poopie hole cancer. We need more awarness for all cancers. You can live without milk sacks, but a life without a poopie hole, just is not worth living.
For more info on poopie hole cancer go here: There is not even an entire website devoted to poo hole cancer anywhere in the universe it is so sad.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tard Stories
Unfortunately, tard stories are getting harder to find on the internet. Some of the best which is Stokie Jaye's Slow Children at Play and Rita Speds Tard Blog have long dissapeard from the interwebs. Luckily there is the Way Back Web Machine to pick out some of the diamonds out of the trash heap. I am compling the best tard stories at
And for those people who are offended because they have a child or sibling with Down's or Autism or any of those diseases:
Hey, they are fucking hilarious! And they do the most insane shit!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Krisjan's Reply
well., Japanes are bunch of strange peoples.It just ruins through there culture not only the poop eating habbits . I mean there animation is very strange.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Man Giving Birth to a Giant Turd
Too Hot For Blog Spot
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
More Fan Mail and My Responses!

Not my thing at all. Reminds me of Dolcett and that shit scares me.
Anyway, enough of that Tom Fuckery. Here is the emails and reponses. This is the response after my response posted on my blog:
Krisjan (kinda sounds like Chris-Chan LOL)
Well, thanks It didn't told me anything if I only knew the age you started eating poop, but not how old you were now. I could have though you were much older. Knowing the exact age is ideal :) Three years that's bit of time.
swallow poop without chewing never thought of that was possible. But don't be to greedy though if you swallow to much as once you could choke.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Responding to fan mail!
I'd love to know a few things about you. Ever since I found you on, I've been dying to talk to you and really understand the Popanator. If you're everything you say you are, you're a really fascinating person. I'd love to interview you if you can spare the time. Do you honestly eat your own poop? PW: Hey, I'm so glad to meet a fan of my work. Eating poopies isn't just a hobby for me -- it's an all-out passion. Yes, I really and honestly do eat my own poop all the time. I don't eat every poop that comes out, but most of the time I do. When did you first eat your poop and how old were you? PW: I was about 23 when something clicked inside me, and I realized that it was my destiny to eat my poopies. I just... fell in love with them, and realized that I could never let them get away from me. They are a part of my body, now and forever. It may sound like something an overly possessive lover or parent might say, but there's just something about poop that both turns me on and makes me feel kinda maternal. What does it taste like? PW: The taste of poopies actually vary considerably. Sometimes they carry an earthy, pheromonal taste tinged with bits of food, and sometimes they have an almost strawlike taste to them. I've even had some especially deep-seated shit (after I'd been constipated for awhile) that came out with an almost chalky taste about them. But if you know how your genitals smell, you've got an idea of how your poopies will taste. It's hard to describe for someone who hasn't got a point of reference. Just imagine if you could take the taste of corn, throw in the pure orgasmic bliss of the mother goddess herself, and then put it into crunchy peanut butter. That almost does it justice. What does it feel like having your mouthful of poop? PW: Well, I try not to be a pig when I eat shit. I don't just shove it all in, because that would be uncouth. Generally I take it in reasonable bites, the way you might savor a fine steak or a delicious cheese laden salad. But when passion overwhelms me and I just jam it in, it's like having a mouth full of the yummiest breasts you've ever chewed on, coupled with peanut butter and a fine fluid inside the poop that I can only assume is liquid joy. What does it feel when slide down your throat? PW: Remember when I said "liquid joy?" Oh yeah, it feels like swallowing the Willie juices of a god when it slides down my throat. I can't describe it, I'm sorry. Just imagine all the joys and pleasures of your life coalescing into a single gulp, and you've just about nailed the experience. What does it feel like in your belly? PW: Well, it's a little bit like being pregnant, in that you've got a true blessing swimming around inside you. I still blush a little bit when I feel my poopies kick. The fact that something that came from me is inside me once again is something I can barely put into words. It's somewhere between laughing and crying in the most amazing, orgasmic way possible. It's even better than fisting, and I don't say that lightly. What does it feel like to poop a poop for the second time? PW: Have you ever seen a movie that took your breath away and changed the entire way you viewed the world? Imagine seeing it a second time, having the effect be even more profound, while receiving the best oral sex ever and getting a full-body massage from a crack team of Asian masseuses, and you've just about nailed the sensation. What's the "dirtiest" thing you have done, with poop on your own? And with other people's? (Including eating their poops and feeding them some of yours) PW: One time, I did this bukkake thing where I invited a really huge group to shit all over me. I invited over this biker gang, a bunch of hippies, the entire local police and fire departments, all of my friends from work, most of the homeless people in the area... really, just a huge group of people. The turnout was truly awe-inspiring. It started out pretty mundane, with everything just doing a round rumper on me (that's where they all stand in a circle and take turns pooping on you). The REALLY exciting part came when someone got excited and shouted, "Dude, it's a BUFFET OF THE HEAVENS!" I'm not religious, but I had to agree. I was covered in a gigantic cocoon of shit, and it was unadulterated bliss. We ate until we could eat no more... and then we shat some more, and the feeding frenzy continued. We WERE one with everything. I literally BECAME the corn laden poo. I have never felt so powerful in my life. How frequently do you eat your poop? PW: I think the biggest joy of poopies is that they're always a surprise. Some days I don't poop, but when I do it's like an old friend visiting. If I had to post a number, I'd say about five or six times a week, give or take. Now, every once in awhile the poopy gods will bless me with diarrhea, and then it's ON. I've been able to eat 50 turds in a day before, when my bowels reared back and roared like a lion. Feel the power of corn laden poo! Is poop eating something you would recommend to everyone, including me? Or is poop eating only for people with a certain type of kink mentally? PW: I will admit that shit eating is a fetish, just like wanting a man with a hairy chest or loving super-thin women is. While I think everyone should at least try their own poop, the same way they should see Paris and go skydiving, it's like any kind of lifestyle choice. It's not everybody's thing, and I respect their right to abstain from eating poopies. More for me! What do you feel about the alleged risk factors of eating poop? PW: Honestly, it's a well-known fact that poopies contain several kinds of bacteria used in breaking down food. So there is the element of danger there for people who haven't developed a resistance or immunity the way most of my social circle has. So if you're going to start out, go slowly. Maybe put some delicious corn laden poo in your oatmeal, and kinda roll it around in there. You could even deep fry it until you get used to the texture. But in time, the risk factors become pretty light, as the bacteria is no longer an issue. I barely ever digest anything anymore, with my extreme fiber diet and auto-erotic scatological eating patterns. |
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Need Help!

Or maybe a homade poopie fleshlight? Or even better a sex doll, so he can have poopie play anytime!!

I really need to make this birthday perfect. This is his big 3-0. Oooh, skip a step and have a plush poopie to cuddle.

Okay, guys, I need your input. What do you get a 30-year-old autistic with a poop fetish? Leave ideas in comments, please!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Do it yourself fleshlight!

Hey poopy pals! It's your old pal the Popanator here, and it's recently come to my attention that many people haven't been spreading the gospel of corn laden poo and its attendant pooey wet juices. Now, I'm not one to pass judgment, but I am one to give of myself. I won't just give you a piece of my colon and poopy hole, either. I'll give you a piece of my knowledge. Heh, maybe some day I'll tell you about the time my autistic brother Willie tried to take a piece of my brain, but that's a whole different story. Anyway, I was reading up on how to make a fake vagina in case you're feeling horny but are too much of a loser to get a woman to have sex with you. Why was I reading about that? I don't know, just kinda felt like it. Just because I have a vagina doesn't mean I don't occasionally get curious about what they feel like. Any way, you take some potatoes and mash 'em up really good, then put in some water and oil to lube up to your tastes. Me personally, I like a good rough fisting, but some people are more dainty than I am. Then you put the whole mess in a plastic bag and bang away. Of course, I like to kick things up a notch, which is why I decided to try a little scatological experiment. I added potatoes to my diet for a week because I wanted to have some tater laden poo, and it worked after a few days. At first it was subtle, with a slightly earthier taste to my shit. But after about five days of eating mostly potatoes, I could tell a real difference in both the taste and consistency of my poopies. So I took a big poo right in a plastic bag and was about to fuck them when I realized... I don't have a cock! Damnit! I've tried rigging up a poopie cock before, but I have way of knowing if it would give me the sensations a real cock would when I bury it balls deep in the tater laden poo. So how about you guys try it and tell me how it feels? Just don't eat the poopies before you fuck 'em right! ![]() |