I admit, I've been using jenkem as a crutch. I would sniff that shit and get high. I would see things like the Great Almighty Poo. He would talk to me and give me visions of the future. A future filled with corn. Even my poopies talked to me before I ate them. I was a jenkem junkie not doing anything but sniffing the toilet bowl. My toilet was caked in an inch of fudge. Smelling mother fucking delicious!

I was finally let out of the hospital. I was still shaking and very very hungry. They would not let me eat my poopies. I had to flush them. I didn't even get to say goodbye. It broke my heart to just waste something so wonderful. I went back to my tiny bathroom at my daddies house. My daddie cleaned the toilet. Something he would never do. A white porceline toilet. The bathroom was spotless!
I can't live like this! I mean, I did learn in rehab not to ferment poopies and sniff them just for the high. However, I can't be poopie free. Its like wine is just fermented grapes, right? If you are an alcoholic you can still have grapes.
I came up with a solution to get my toilet poopie in a jiffy. I just sat on the tank and went poopie. Then I flushed it and toilet water was the beautiful brown! I do understand poopies are food, not drugs. But, nothing is more beautiful than brown water!

Stay sober and remember poopies are just for food. However, I do miss my talks with the Great Almighty Poo. I wonder if I will ever see him for real.
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